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Storage - 53 Years | Building a Storm Shelter

It appears lying in an open field is safer than being in a trailer in the path of a tornado. Alex said we should dig an underground storm shelter. He explained exactly how it could be done and as he was describing it, I began to see that an underground shelter was really a good idea.

Building a Storm Shelter - Thursday June 11 2009

Last night some major thunderstorms came through our area. It was a very long night for us. I hadn't realized just how dangerous being in a mobile home is until we tried to find a safe place and there wasn't one to be had.

Lightning was constant, winds were sixty and seventy miles per hour, rain was pouring and as we watched the weather station, little circles of rotation popped up right on top of us. There was about a thirty minute break in the storm, with another round coming straight at us, filled with more rotation circles. I quickly looked up what to do if you are in a trailer. The answer was a resounding, "Get out!"

It appears lying in an open field is safer than being in a trailer in the path of a tornado. Of course we weren't going to do that with all the lightning. With about twenty minutes left before the next part of the storm moved in, we got in the truck and drove south. I drove until the skies behind us were clear, which was about sixty miles, and we waited out the storm.

We returned about six this morning and my only thought was that we were going to have to move again. It's so peaceful living in the country, but storms like that can make it a nightmare in a hurry. There's nowhere to go for protection.

Then Alex said we should dig an underground storm shelter. He explained exactly how it could be done and as he was describing it, I began to see that an underground shelter was really a good idea.

At first I thought of saving up and buying one, but that wouldn't help us feel safer now. So I looked up how to build your own and right away found a place that talked about building pole-covered trench shelters in as little as two days.

I will be researching it a little more and then I think Alex and I can build this thing!

June 15 - It turns out we are living on bottom land, which means we cannot build an underground shelter because it will flood. It looks like we will just have to leave when tornadoes are likely.


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Storage - 53 Years

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