feral kittens gofundme

Storage - Alextown

Alex has many, many interests--cats, the Korean language, animated stick figures, Inuyasha, martial arts, Legos, and more--that I'll be sharing most of here, along with stories and pictures of him through the years. Open for visitors is The Medieval Kingdom, The Cat Shack, The Art Museum, The Adventure Terminal, The InuYasha Club, The Library, The Recreation Center and Mom's House.


The Medieval Kingdom

Maille Armor Pictures - story and pictures of the maille armor we made for Alex
Hammond Louisiana Renaissance Festival - one of Sir Alex's days as a knight
Scarborough Faire Renaissance Festival - pictures of Alex at The Renaissance Festival in Waxahachie, Texas
Lion in Chain Maille - cookie jar lion wearing Alex's old maille armor coif

The Adventure Terminal

The Adventures of Cheryl and Alex
The Amtrak to New Orleans II
The Summer of 2013

The Recreation Center

Stick Figures - animations include ninjas, reflection effect, lone samurai and more
Ninja Pictures - Alex in his authentic ninja uniform, with sword, blowgun, and throwing stars
Tae Kwon-Do - a little about Alex's Tae Kwon-Do training
Camouflage Pictures - Alex in camouflage do-rag, shirt and pants
My Runescape Experiences - Runescape tips article by Alex

The Art Museum

Art Page 1
Art Page 2

InuYasha Club

InuYasha Puzzles
InuYasha Journal

Mom's House

Mom's Writings
Mom's Memories

Alex's Family Tree

The Cat Shack

Cat Pictures 1 - Cat Pictures 2
Kitty Dunk Dog - our cat's self-defense technique
Little Lucky and the Snake - Little Lucky Larry Lee Williams was determined to alert me to the presence of a snake
The Cat that Likes Water - our cat, Neo, likes water and he loves to go swimming
Cat Collages - a kitten collage and a cat collage with cats, kittens, and puppies
Treating an Open Wound - what works and what doesn't

The Library

Learning Korean
Judy's Cancer Journals


Free printables for multiplication, roman numerals, state capitals, parts of speech, and more.


Math exercises. Multiplication and roman numeral resources. Posters, charts, converters.


Quizzes including world capitals, presidents in order, the elements, state flags, and more.

Middle Ages

Armour, castle games, recipes, quizzes, fashions, music, old world maps, medicine, and more.

Language Arts

Alphabet flash cards, printable high frequency words, and printable parts of speech chart.

Foreign Language

Spanish numbers to 20 and the Korean alphabet. Printable flash cards and charts.


Science games and quizzes, posters, science experiments.

Science Experiments

Free Experiment of the Week from Robert Kramp's Science Education Co.

Social Studies

Posters, printables, the Lifeboat Game, fifty states resources, quizzes.


Reading systems, flashcard, worksheet and test makers, game creators, percentage calculator, timeline template.

Free Online Courses

Grade school and accredited high school, online public schools, foundational phonics, more.


Stickfigure animations, build a web page and a website template for kids.


Printable guitar and keyboard charts, ukelele chords diagram.


Free books, posters, videos, software, kits, curriculum, courses.

Sharing What's Good

We're finding the good out there and sharing it.

Make Money Online

Easy extra money! Lots of info here.

Storage - 53 Years

Food intolerance, night flying wasps, and more.

Storage - Alextown

Maille armor pictures, ninja and camouflage pictures, and more.

If you have comments, questions, or would like to report a broken link, please send an email to Cheryl at byclc@live.com

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