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Storage - 53 Years | No Apple Pie!

It was Wanda's first day without sugar and she was handling it pretty well until we all went out to eat.

No Apple Pie! - Wednesday March 11 2009

Wanda and her brother Wayne - July 2008

We won't be leaving for at least a few more days, but we kicked off the 90 day plan anyway.

It was Wanda's first day without sugar and she was handling it pretty well until we all went out to eat. We went to a Chinese buffet, which had a slew of vegetables, fruits, unbreaded meats and seafood. The waitress asked what we would be drinking and Wanda asked for sweet tea! We pointed out that sweet tea had sugar in it and she happily changed it to unsweet and used the little pink packets.

She made a couple of plates filled with good healthy stuff. Green beans, broccoli, cabbage, bell peppers, chicken, shrimp, crab meat salad, and more. Then she was full and informed the waitress that she could take her fork. About that time, Joey's girlfriend, Amee, sat down with a delicious looking piece of apple pie and a scoop of vanilla ice cream. Wanda wanted that pie!

She kept telling us she was all right and that she didn't really want it, but then she would say it looked so good and she could barely talk about anything else. We offered her kiwi, cantaloupe, grapes and strawberries, but she turned them all down. Finally, Amee finished her pie and I thought that would be the end of it.

But even with the pie out of sight, Wanda kept talking about it. And then Joey brought a slice to the table and it was plain to see it was pure torture for her. Even so, she did not break down. Later, she told me how hard that had been to pass up.

After a few days, I expect it will get much easier, especially once we are camping and there are no apple pies around.

I was so proud of her for not giving in. I wish I had thought to get a picture because I had planned to put a different picture of her up with every page. I found the one here from July of 2008, with our brother Wayne, where she looks a little like she did as we kept saying, "No apple pie!"

Note: Wanda and I both thought the apple pie incident and story were very, very funny. Alex, however, told me after I wrote this that it was not funny at all, and in fact, it was pathetic. He said the only thing funny about it was the way Wanda and I were laughing over it. I guess it's just a matter of perspective. I tried to read it through his eyes and I do kind of see his point.


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Storage - 53 Years

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