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Storage - 53 Years | What's in Your Heart?

Laughter, love, kindness, happiness. This idea and these words have now become a very pleasant memory that I figure I may as well share.

What's in Your Heart? - Monday May 18 2009

My mind works in such strange ways. From the minute I woke up this morning, a phrase from a commercial about credit cards was playing over and over again in my head. It took a little time, but I finally came to realize why. It was because of an incident that happened yesterday.

Sometimes, when people do nice things for you, they don't do it exactly as you would like. Say, for instance, they're helping you move, or washing your dishes, or repairing your car.

Yesterday, I witnessed an older man doing a really good deed. In the process, he was not being very careful or even observant of a younger man's things. This made the younger man extremely angry. It seemed the older man's carelessness had completely negated his generosity in the younger man's eyes.

I couldn't understand the intenseness of the emotion the younger man was feeling, so I asked him, "What's in your heart?" His face softened and he slowly let go of his anger. He knew in his heart that this was a very kind man. With the anger out of the way, we were able to talk about solutions.

Today, after writing the above and tentatively titling this page "Ask Yourself WIYH", I asked Alex for his thoughts on it. He said it was weird (which the title was, kind of), and that it was a rip off from the ad. I almost deleted it since I didn't know what else I wanted to write about it anyway.

Then, when Joey stopped by to see us in the afternoon, Alex looked at him intently and asked him, "What's in your wallet?" This caused us to bust out laughing while Joey looked on, confused, and then of course we let him in on it. He thought it was hilarious and said he might throw Alex's version in sometime when he's in the middle of an argument with someone, just to see the look of "what?!" on their face. The three of us talked about it and laughed about it until I had tears in my eyes.

Later, I thought about the laughter and my sons and I felt really good. I'm so proud of who they are as people. What's in a person's heart is so very important to me and their hearts are filled with love and kindness and happiness.

So, weird or not, this idea and these words have now become a very pleasant memory that I figure I may as well share.


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