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Sharing What's Good | The Art of Manliness

I originally linked to all of the articles I read and listed here,

but many of them have moved.

I've left the titles of the articles, but removed the links to them.

The Art of Manliness

The Art of Manliness - 7/21/14

I have decided to give myself a year (at least) in a new life. The old one is just not working for me. "So if I'm going to do this", I said to myself, "I need to have a plan." I searched for "planning a new life" and found...

First, a wikihow article on "How to Start a New Life", with some pretty good tips, including changing your name. I never dreamed I could just decide on a new name and change it so easily.

Next, an article on "not planning", which didn't fit my plan, but it gave me something to think about. Maybe I could settle for something in between. "How to Have the Best Year of Your Life (without Setting a Single Goal)" and "the best goal is no goal".

Next up was Craft the Life You Want: Creating a Blueprint for Your Future. Now I'm not all that observant when I'm focused on reading articles, so I miss a lot (like the name of the website I was visiting).

As I'm reading, I'm thinking that it's odd for a site to address its readers as if they're all male, but I'm enjoying the ideas, so I keep going.

I get to the part about the pen and paper and I'm reminded that I need to get that Mod Notebook.

And then I see the first step, "Define and Prioritize Your Roles as a Man" and I'm like, "Wait a minute, this is too much!" I look to the address bar and read what site I'm on and just roll my eyes at myself. Really? The Art of Manliness? How did I miss that?

Well, I'm glad I did miss it, because this site is awesome! Their about page says "Ultimately, the Art of Manliness aims to encourage our readers to be better husbands, fathers, brothers, citizens — a new generation of great men."

This goal alone, in my eyes, makes the site worth a man's weight in gold! But much of what they write can help us women out, too.

I read through two more excellent articles--9 Ways to Invest Without Putting Money Into the Stock Market and How to Make Small Talk with Strangers: My 21-Day Happiness Experiment--and I can't wait to recommend the site to as many people as I can. I love it!

The Art of Manliness — a blog dedicated to uncovering the lost art of being a man.


Free printables for multiplication, roman numerals, state capitals, parts of speech, and more.


Math exercises. Multiplication and roman numeral resources. Posters, charts, converters.


Quizzes including world capitals, presidents in order, the elements, state flags, and more.

Middle Ages

Armour, castle games, recipes, quizzes, fashions, music, old world maps, medicine, and more.

Language Arts

Alphabet flash cards, printable high frequency words, and printable parts of speech chart.

Foreign Language

Spanish numbers to 20 and the Korean alphabet. Printable flash cards and charts.


Science games and quizzes, posters, science experiments.

Science Experiments

Free Experiment of the Week from Robert Kramp's Science Education Co.

Social Studies

Posters, printables, the Lifeboat Game, fifty states resources, quizzes.


Reading systems, flashcard, worksheet and test makers, game creators, percentage calculator, timeline template.

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Stickfigure animations, build a web page and a website template for kids.


Printable guitar and keyboard charts, ukelele chords diagram.


Free books, posters, videos, software, kits, curriculum, courses.

Sharing What's Good

We're finding the good out there and sharing it.

Make Money Online

Easy extra money! Lots of info here.

Storage - 53 Years

Food intolerance, night flying wasps, and more.

Storage - Alextown

Maille armor pictures, ninja and camouflage pictures, and more.

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